Saturday, October 20, 2012

stop bullying!!

Today is a very special day i been watching scary bullying videos with a friend and i had never seen something this serious before in my life. It's so not cool that people are bullying a person for no reason i mean who could do such a thing.  And if your brave enough to watch this video then watch it click on this link and it will take you there and I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE TITLE IS SO try doing stuff but be careful do not bully some people might think it's cool to bully other kids but it not not not not NO NO NO NO NO NO NO STOP BULLYING!!!!! some people might think it's alright for the first few minutes but after that if it keeps on going on on on on on on on  then they can commit suicide yeah pretty bad huh well stop bullying please it's for your own good. The video might be a little bad for kids under 7 to 1 or 4 so plaese just show it to your self  ^_^ well hope you learned a lot about bullying STOP BULLYING!!! This puppy wants you to stop bullying is he not cute? O_O!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

do you guys know what a boogie board is? well it's a drawing tablet

Friday, September 14, 2012

well today i only have one picture but LOOOK it's a REALLLLYYYY cute puppy OuO

Thursday, September 13, 2012

AWW bestie and cuutee

 ax ew ew AXEW from pokemon

 keropi in the one on the right <3

 this is the main labbit the WHITE labbit

 lookie here it's playing the musical piano ^_^

 rrriiiaacccuuu pokemon RIACUUU yeah ^_^

 today class where going to learn how to spell Labbit

 OMG AWW this is soooooooosssoooooo cute cute cute cute 0_0

 im the one on the toppp OHHH yeah!!!!!

 aww im the one on the left just look at meee

 im the one on the right ^_^

 in the one on the right ^_^ peas 

 AWWW WOW im the one with the heart on the head

 im the green one it's less puffer and cuter

 these are cowss MOO and im the light one^_^

 this is soo CUTE in the white one

stuff and stuff and WOW

 LOOK!!! at this 24 inch Labbit!!! OoO

 look is cat from victorious with a pink labbit

aww i think it's a purple labbit going to the heart

this is a cute pretty blue labbit

captin labbit i spelled it wrong the first word

 look at the owl with it's best buddy up there in the owl victoria your the catapiller^_^ i know i know i spelled it wrong -_-

Monday, September 10, 2012

 they can never brake a part like me and u im hermione who r u? Victoria 

 just like us in the tiger hey there lion ^_^

 i RAWR you ^_~

 yeah go me go!!! ^_^

 AWW im the one on the left 

 hey there bestie and im patrick RAWR ^o^