Wednesday, September 26, 2012

do you guys know what a boogie board is? well it's a drawing tablet

Friday, September 14, 2012

well today i only have one picture but LOOOK it's a REALLLLYYYY cute puppy OuO

Thursday, September 13, 2012

AWW bestie and cuutee

 ax ew ew AXEW from pokemon

 keropi in the one on the right <3

 this is the main labbit the WHITE labbit

 lookie here it's playing the musical piano ^_^

 rrriiiaacccuuu pokemon RIACUUU yeah ^_^

 today class where going to learn how to spell Labbit

 OMG AWW this is soooooooosssoooooo cute cute cute cute 0_0

 im the one on the toppp OHHH yeah!!!!!

 aww im the one on the left just look at meee

 im the one on the right ^_^

 in the one on the right ^_^ peas 

 AWWW WOW im the one with the heart on the head

 im the green one it's less puffer and cuter

 these are cowss MOO and im the light one^_^

 this is soo CUTE in the white one

stuff and stuff and WOW

 LOOK!!! at this 24 inch Labbit!!! OoO

 look is cat from victorious with a pink labbit

aww i think it's a purple labbit going to the heart

this is a cute pretty blue labbit

captin labbit i spelled it wrong the first word

 look at the owl with it's best buddy up there in the owl victoria your the catapiller^_^ i know i know i spelled it wrong -_-

Monday, September 10, 2012

 they can never brake a part like me and u im hermione who r u? Victoria 

 just like us in the tiger hey there lion ^_^

 i RAWR you ^_~

 yeah go me go!!! ^_^

 AWW im the one on the left 

 hey there bestie and im patrick RAWR ^o^

 my best friend lion (Victoria)
 so hope you enjoy these pictures and yeah ^_^
 This really cute tiger plushie is me (Junny)

and this tiger is me and it stands for the korea soccor team (Junny)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

pics ^_^

 This little cute one is ma friend victoria ^_^

 and this adorable one is me Junny ^_~

 im the orange one ^_^
 im the smaller one ^_^

   AWWW Mr. Mustache ^_^

me and victoria and erica and stella

 me and victoria 4ever

us two aww im the blue one ^_^

im the bunny and yeah ^_^

    please please comment ^_^ and make sure not to curse or rude comments ^_^ i know you might not like this website -_- but yeah this is my rule because u know from my first or second post PLEASE KEEP THIS WEBSITE SAFE !!!!!^_^

about where we meet and really old church

    we meet at sunday school so sunday school is really special 2 me and because it's really old

for my besite Victoria

this one has a very cute panda in it just look at it that was the face on my heart when i meet you ^u^

hey so i made this JUST 4 u hope you like this it's about our friendship^_^ OwO

              to my best friend Victoria ^_^
 so this is a really cute pic and i love it because it reminds me of me and my friend ^_^
 OK I'm not going to lie but this is soo cute and just look at it ^u^

 Last but not least nomnoms there from cut the rope and they remind me of me my cousin and my friend the 3 mucet tears i don't really know how to spell muscet